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525 | Matt Furniss

Has 2 chart hits on RolandRadio. Rate Matt Furniss's titles!
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Some random productions for which Matt Furniss wrote the music

Skull And Crossbones

Jingles Matt Furniss did for RolandRadio

We have no jingles of Matt Furniss yet. Get in contact and ask to do some!

We have 25 titles of Matt Furniss (2 of them are chart titles)

The total playing time of all Matt Furniss titles is 00:26:42.
Due to the low total playing time of less than one hour and thirty minutes, no artist-only show is possible yet.

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 11251
2025-02-11 12:29:12 Matt Furniss Badlands (Theme) 00:01:50 559
2 11252
2025-02-10 13:30:33 Matt Furniss Badlands (Unused Theme 1) 00:01:15 546
3 11253
2025-02-11 15:16:00 Matt Furniss Badlands (Unused Theme 2) 00:01:36 513
4 11874
2025-02-12 22:34:23 Matt Furniss Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash (Start Game) 00:00:05 1748
5 11875
2025-01-10 00:21:36 Matt Furniss Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash (Title) 00:01:53 557
6 12140
2025-02-12 18:40:02 Matt Furniss Klax (Game Over) 00:00:09 1778
7 12141
2025-02-11 22:44:55 Matt Furniss Klax (Start Level) 00:00:08 1816
8 12142
2025-02-09 13:00:13 Matt Furniss Pit Fighter 00:01:46 586
9 13743
2025-02-12 17:14:12 Matt Furniss Scramble Spirits (Jingle 1) 00:00:10 1700
10 13744
2025-02-12 22:22:56 Matt Furniss Scramble Spirits (Jingle 2) 00:00:33 1756
11 13745
2025-02-12 22:34:10 Matt Furniss Scramble Spirits (Jingle 3) 00:00:11 1756
12 12143
2025-02-03 00:12:23 Matt Furniss Scramble Spirits (Main Menu) 00:01:47 739
13 12144
2025-02-12 17:01:01 Matt Furniss Scramble Spirits (Title) 00:01:49 1767
14 13746
2025-02-12 22:03:32 Matt Furniss Shadow Warriors 00:00:03 1755
15 12451
2025-02-12 14:06:13 Matt Furniss Skull And Crossbones 00:01:47 545
16 12145
2025-02-10 09:04:06 Matt Furniss Space Harrier 2 00:01:45 600
17 13482
2025-02-12 17:12:15 Matt Furniss Space Harrier 2 (Theme 2) 00:00:26 1785
18 13483
2025-02-11 22:13:06 Matt Furniss Space Harrier 2 (Theme 3) 00:00:16 1800
19 13484
2025-02-11 10:45:37 Matt Furniss Space Harrier 2 (Theme 4) 00:00:19 602
20 13485
2025-02-12 17:06:40 Matt Furniss Space Harrier 2 (Theme 5) 00:00:28 1788
21 12519
2025-02-09 20:48:02 Matt Furniss Stun Runner 00:02:15 648
22 12522
2025-02-11 00:12:15 Matt Furniss Subbuteo 00:02:53 540
23 12146
2025-01-30 00:15:37 Matt Furniss Toobin 00:01:18 549
24 13804
2025-02-12 22:24:00 Matt Furniss Xybots (Jingle) 00:00:02 1742
25 12891
2025-02-10 15:36:15 Matt Furniss Xybots (Main Menu) 00:01:58 501
Total duration: 00:26:42  
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